The RGB+CCT five color LED controller set is designed with ultra sensitive touch color wheel to adjust static RGB color or color temperature fast and accurately,
Independent dimming function of each R, G, B channel to achieve millions of colors. Built-in 10 dynamic mode can create fancy lighting effects, also you can save scene what you like.
1.Mini style controller with 5 channel constant voltage output (R/G/B/WW/CW).
2.Smooth dimming and switch without any flickering.
3.Built in 10 dynamic mode, include jump or gradual change style.
4.Adopt 2.4GHz wireless technology, remote distance up to 30m.
5.Auto-transmitting function, one receiver can transmit the signal from the remote to another receiver within 15m, so the remote control distance can be beyond 100m.
6.Auto-synchronization function, different receivers can work synchronously when they are controlled by the same remote, under same dynamic mode and same speed.
7.Work with power repeater to expand output unlimitedly.
Package Include:
1 Piece of V5-M + R17 Skydance Led Controller 3A*5CH RGB+Color Temperature LED Controller Set
1 Piece of User's Manual
CE and RoHS approved
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